
check out ej's latest ramblings, thoughts, and musings
  1. a laptop with a browser open to show astro portfolio

    a drupal migration story, part ii: data cleanup and transformations

    clean data is good data. in this post, we'll look at how to clean up and transform data during a migration.

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  2. a laptop with a browser open to show astro portfolio

    a drupal migration story, part i: a simple migration

    exploring JSON-based migrations in Drupal 10

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  3. a black and white image of firebase logo, plus sign, and github logo

    deploying to firebase hosting

    deploying to firebase hosting with github actions

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  4. a laptop and a phone on an orange background with the same text on the screen and the same text on the other side of the screen

    astro portfolio redux

    a grounds-up rebuild of a portfolio site with astro's latest and greatest

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  5. a laptop with a browser open to show astro portfolio

    in the beginning...

    setting up a portfolio site with and hosted on firebase

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